/ by Grey Gallinger

Today I was too cold to take any photos while walking around the city. I wasn't out with the intention of taking photos, but always have it in the back of my mind, and altough some scenes caught my eye I was too lazy and chilly to take my camera out of my bag and risk freezing my hands any longer than need be.

That made me think about people in Winnipeg. How people suffer short or extended periods of misery because of our climate. I want to capture those moments.

The above photo may show the vastness of the prairies, the snow covered fields and frozen rivers, and to some degrees the loneliness of winter months, but it does not tell you what it's like to be someone living in such a place. I want to see the scowls on peoples faces while they wait for the bus at 11 o'clock at night on Portage Avenue; the expressions of discomfort as a pedestrian adjusts their scarf against a frigid prairie wind. I want to show people who are accustomed to the climate and newcomers who merely endure it.