In the struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed, I will always stand on the side of the oppressed. / by Grey Gallinger

Wab Kinew, writing at the Huffinton Post:

To me this conversation is more than just an "Indian Thing." It is one that Canadians of all backgrounds should pay attention to, if not participate in. The ideals that are underlying this action are ones to which we all aspire, even if we may disagree on how exactly to pursue them.

That's exactly how I see Idle No More. It is the same struggle as Occupy, the Québec student movement, Palestinian anti-apartheid, and women's rights. All are struggles against forms of oppression, and all deserve the support of people around the globe.

I often get criticized for talking about issues that don't directly effect me, but what those who criticize fail to see is that everyone is effected by the struggles of others, maybe not directly, but like the graffiti I photographed the other day none of us are free unless all are free.
