/ by Grey Gallinger


"Space travel is slow going"

We know the sound of where we are going to: the way the guitar is sparse but snarling. How open strings reverberate off of the expanding gas from a newly emerging star, and how clearly the low-end grumbles relentlessly. The dry, punctual thumping of snare piercing like a pulsar veiled in the decay of an ancient super-nova. Tightly syncopated hi-hat flares and triplet tom fills washing in stereo are trademarks of where we hope to end up. But space can be tricky to circumnavigate.

Ivan and Jory have been giggling like school girls when it comes to their new project, The Ugly Brothers. They've been locked up in the basement working on blueprints to a new sound, a space saga they call The Stellar Medium.

I've heard what has reverberated up through the rafters (not to mention all the smoke!) and like what I hear. It's too bad the Albert probably won't be open when they are ready to takeoff. Hopefully they'll grace the stage at Lo Pub instead.

You can listen to a demo of their song The Hunter on their tumblr.